Molded parts for Tennirobo’s “head”

This month TenniRobo got two important updates, and today I’m very excited to show you the first update – “head” now consists of molded plastic parts. There is an example of 3D printed part and molded. Are you able to find the difference? 🙂

Why is it so important?

Before this day, all my prototypes have been made with 3D printed plastic parts. It’s ok for prototypes, but I didn’t want to ship robots with these parts to other countries, because there are some chances that these parts would be broken under some conditions (it’s a pain of 3D printing technology – bad adhesion between layers can reduce the strength of final part). Molded parts are free for this problem, so they are more strength, and I can be confident that they won’t be broken in the final product.

Also, molded parts can be manufactured much more quickly, than with 3D printing technology. It means, that I can manufacture more robots for you, dear Tennirobo potential users.

Finally, it just looks better, isn’t it?


P.S. I know few people now are waiting for ready robots, so I have to say a few words to them. Firstly, I apologize for some delay (I expected your robots could be ready at the middle of August), but I hope you agree with me that would be much better to make your robots with molded parts. And secondly (before your next questions) –  please wait for my next post, I’m going to make it in a few days. It will be about the second important update for Tennirobo, I hope you will like it 🙂

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